Eiffel Tornet

In 1889, the Paris World's Fair coincided with the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution.
Ahead of the festivities, designer Gustave Eiffel was commissioned to build the spectacular tower.
Before the Chrysler Building was erected in 1930, the Eiffel Tower was the world's tallest building. A television mast at the top gave the tower 24 extra meters in 1959.

The 10,000-tonne Eiffel Tower consists of a metal structure of around 12,000 iron beams and 2.5 million bolts.
Many French people claim that the staircase in the tower has 1,792 steps,
the same figure as the year the French Republic was introduced, but in fact the correct number of steps is 1,665.

Tornet står på Champs de mars och är öppet för allmänheten alla dagar, året runt.
Normala öppettider är mellan klockan 09.30 och 18.00. Sommartid är det öppet ända till midnatt.
Det går att åka hiss upp i tornet om du inte vill ta trapporna.
Du bör komma tidigt på dagen om du vill undvika att stå i kö.

This is what the Eiffel tower could look at night

What is the best time to visit the Eiffel Tower?

Night visits in summer and winter You can visit the Eiffel Tower by night any time of year.
Imagine the surreal beauty of the roofs of Paris coated with a fine dusting of snow that glistens under the moonlight,
or the languorous spectacle of the capital on a cool summer night.

Why is the Eiffel Tower so famous?

Originally built by Gustave Eiffel to commemorate the centenary of the French Revolution in 1889,
this epic monument consistently attracts nearly 7m visitors from across the globe each year,
who come to see the tower and take photos.
You will find its image in countless guidebooks, online articles and breathtaking Instagram snaps.