Shelly, a staple in Brawl Stars, thrives in close-quarters combat as a short-range brawler. Armed with her trusty shotgun, she delivers a powerful single-shot attack. Shelly's strength lies in her ability to deal significant damage...
Shelly, a staple in Brawl Stars, thrives in close-quarters combat as a short-range brawler. Armed with her trusty shotgun, she delivers a powerful single-shot attack. Shelly's strength lies in her ability to deal significant damage up close, making her a formidable force in direct confrontations. While her attacks consist of smaller, rapid shots, their cumulative effect is impactful, making Shelly a versatile choice for players who prefer intense, short-range engagements.
5000 - 10000
1200 - 2400
Clay Pigeons On activation, for the next 5 seconds Shelly's main attacs focus the fire to a smaller area with an increased range. Charges per match: 3
Fast Forward Shelly dashes ahead, skipping a few unnecessary steps! Charges per match: 3
Shell Shock Shelly's Super shells slow down enemies for 2 seconds!
Band-Aid When Shelly falls below 40% helath, she instantly heals for 1776 health. Band-Aid recharges in 15 seconds.
Fang, a ferocious short-range Brawler in Brawl Stars, strikes fear with razor-sharp claws and lightning-fast agility. With a menacing grin, this mythical creature prowls the arena, unleashing a flurry of slashes on unsuspecting foes...
Fang, a ferocious short-range Brawler in Brawl Stars, strikes fear with razor-sharp claws and lightning-fast agility. With a menacing grin, this mythical creature prowls the arena, unleashing a flurry of slashes on unsuspecting foes. Fang's nimbleness and deadly precision make it a formidable adversary, dominating the battlefield with raw, untamed power in quick, potent attacks.
4300 - 8600
1360 - 2720
Corn-Fu Fang tosses a handful of corn kernels into thye air, making it rain popcorn! Each kernel pop deals 544 damage. Charges per match: 3
Roundhouse Kick Fang spins fast and hits all enemies around him in a small radius, stunning them for 0.5 seconds. Charges per match:3
Fresh Kicks When Fang defeats an enemy with his Super, it's recharged instantly, allowing him to use his Super again!
Divine Soles Reduce 500 damage from incoming hits once every 3 seconds. Maximum reduction is 90% of the incoming damage.
Bea, a sharpshooting Brawler in Brawl Stars, boasts an impressive long-range precision with her trusty hive cannon. This sophisticated insect enthusiast excels at keeping enemies at bay, delivering high-damage single shots...
Bea, a sharpshooting Brawler in Brawl Stars, boasts an impressive long-range precision with her trusty hive cannon. This sophisticated insect enthusiast excels at keeping enemies at bay, delivering high-damage single shots. While her attacks may be slower, Bea's strategic accuracy and ability to control the battlefield make her a formidable force, turning every match into a calculated symphony of shots that can change the course of any battle.
2400 - 4800
800 - 1600
Rattled Hive Bea unleashes 4 angry bees that circle away from her, dealing more damage the further they go (up to 960 damge). Charges per match:3
Honey Molasses Bea drops beehive with splash of sticky honey around it. The honey slows down enemies that step in it. Charges per match:3
Honeycomb Bea receives a 30% sheild while Big Sting is Supercharges.
Insta Beaload Instantly Supercharge Bea's Big Sting one time if she misses a Supercharged shot.
Bo, a versatile Brawler in Brawl Stars, wields a powerful long-range attack with his explosive arrows. Master of the hunt, he deploys a trio of mines to control the battlefield, hindering foes with strategic precision. Bo's range...
Bo, a versatile Brawler in Brawl Stars, wields a powerful long-range attack with his explosive arrows. Master of the hunt, he deploys a trio of mines to control the battlefield, hindering foes with strategic precision. Bo's range and area-denial skills make him a strategic asset, dealing damage from a distance while manipulating the enemy's movements. Though each arrow may not pack a massive punch, Bo's relentless barrage and trap-setting abilities make him a formidable force in the arena
3600 - 7200
600 - 1200
Super Totem Bo places a totem that increases allies' Super charging rate by 50%. The totem slowly loses its health over time. Charges per match:3
Tripwire Bo triggers all his mines after 1.5 seconds. During the delay the mines are completly undetectable to opponents. Charges per match:3
Snare a Bear Insted of knockback, Bo's traps now stun the enemy for 2 seconds!
Circling Eagle Bo spots enemies hidden in bushes from 150% longer distance than normally.
Colt, a gunslinging Brawler in Brawl Stars, specializes in long-range precision, firing a rapid succession of shots with his dual revolvers. His agility and quick draw make him deadly in open spaces, dealing consistent damage...
Colt, a gunslinging Brawler in Brawl Stars, specializes in long-range precision, firing a rapid succession of shots with his dual revolvers. His agility and quick draw make him deadly in open spaces, dealing consistent damage. While each shot may not be overpowering, Colt's strength lies in his ability to unleash a flurry of smaller attacks, overwhelming enemies with a relentless barrage. A true sharpshooter, Colt dominates the arena by maintaining distance and delivering sustained firepower.
2800 - 5600
360 - 720
Speadloader Volt instantly reloads 2 ammo. Charges per match:3
Silver Bullet Colt's next attack is a powerful shot that deals as much damage as 2 of his regular bullets, while going through obstacles and opponents alike. Charges per match:3
Slick Boots Colt's movment speed is increased by 13%.
Magnum Special Colt's attack range and bullet speed are increased by 11%.
Edgar, a high-flying Brawler in Brawl Stars, thrives in close-quarters combat. With a swift dash, he lands powerful punches, making him a short-range powerhouse. While his attacks are quick, Edgar excels in delivering a...
Edgar, a high-flying Brawler in Brawl Stars, thrives in close-quarters combat. With a swift dash, he lands powerful punches, making him a short-range powerhouse. While his attacks are quick, Edgar excels in delivering a series of smaller blows, rapidly wearing down opponents. His ability to close in on enemies and unleash a barrage of punches defines his playstyle, creating chaos in the arena with relentless, close-range assaults.
3300 - 6600
540 - 1080
Hardcore Edgar gets a sheild that protects him from the next 2970 damage. The sheild gets weaker over time. Charges per match:3
Let's Fly Edgar' Super charges faster, 525% för 4 seconds. Charges per match:3
Fisticuffs Edgar receives 25% more healing from damage he deals.
Hard Landing Edgar's Super will also deal 1215 damage to nearby enemies upon landing.
Emz, a menacing Brawler in Brawl Stars, commands the battlefield with her long-range spray attack. Armed with a microphone, she unleashes sound waves that deal damage over time, affecting multiple enemies. Emz...
Emz, a menacing Brawler in Brawl Stars, commands the battlefield with her long-range spray attack. Armed with a microphone, she unleashes sound waves that deal damage over time, affecting multiple enemies. Emz excels in crowd control, making her a potent force in area denial. While her individual attacks may be less powerful, the cumulative effect of her ongoing damage makes her a formidable opponent, especially in team situations where she can disrupt and weaken groups of enemies simultaneously.
3600 - 7200
520 - 1040
Azid Spray Emz's next blast of hair spray can pass through walls, but deals 10% less damage. Charges per match:3
Friendzoner Emz pushes back all enemies around her while also dealing 540 damage. Charges per match:3
Hype Emz recovers 460 health per second for each enemy Brawler inside her Super's area of effect.
Bad Karma Enemies that stays within the cloud of Emz's toxic hair spray suffers increasing damage, 25% per hit.
Leon, a stealthy Brawler in Brawl Stars, excels in short-range combat. Armed with dual blades, he strikes swiftly and silently. His Super ability turns him invisible, enabling surprise attacks. While each strike is individually powerful...
Leon, a stealthy Brawler in Brawl Stars, excels in short-range combat. Armed with dual blades, he strikes swiftly and silently. His Super ability turns him invisible, enabling surprise attacks. While each strike is individually powerful, Leon's strength lies in rapid, smaller attacks. His close-quarters prowess and the ability to vanish make him a deadly ambush artist, dominating foes in swift, calculated strikes.
3400 - 6800
480 - 960
Lollipop Drop Leon creates a stealthy area for his team to hide in. The lollipop slowly loses its health over time. Charges per match:3
Clone Projector Leon creates an illusion of himself to confuse his enemies. Charges per match:3
Smoke Trails When Leon uses his Super, he gains a 30% boost to his movment speed for the duration of his invisibility.
Invisiheal Leon recovers 1224 health per second while his Super is active.
Stu, a high-speed Brawler in Brawl Stars, thrives in short-range engagements. With his turbocharged dash, he quickly closes in on foes. Stu's attack consists of rapid-fire shots, delivering smaller yet swift blows. Though...
Stu, a high-speed Brawler in Brawl Stars, thrives in short-range engagements. With his turbocharged dash, he quickly closes in on foes. Stu's attack consists of rapid-fire shots, delivering smaller yet swift blows. Though each hit may be less potent, his agility and constant barrage make him a formidable force in close combat, perfect for surprising opponents and maneuvering around the battlefield with lightning speed.
2900 - 5800
540 - 1080
Breakthrough Stu's next Super can bash through obstacles, making debris fly forward. Each piece of debris deals 108 damage to any opponent it hits. Charges per match:3
Speed Zone Stu drops a booster that makes himself, his teammates and other allies move faster while inside its area of effect. Charges per match:3
Zero drag Stu's Nitro boost Super dash distance increases by 71%.
Gaso-Heal Using his Nitro Boost Super restores 290 of Stu's health.
Surge, a dynamic Brawler in Brawl Stars, wields electric projectiles in a long-range attack. His unique ability to upgrade his attack and Super makes him adaptable. While his initial shots are moderate, successive upgrades can lead to...
Surge, a dynamic Brawler in Brawl Stars, wields electric projectiles in a long-range attack. His unique ability to upgrade his attack and Super makes him adaptable. While his initial shots are moderate, successive upgrades can lead to a more powerful, singular blast. Surge's versatility in both long and mid-range combat, coupled with his upgrade mechanic, allows him to evolve dynamically during matches, making him a strategic force to be reckoned with.
2800 - 5600
1180 - 2360
Power Sheild Within the next 2 seconds, Surge consumes 50% of the damage of the next incoming hit and uses the energy to reload 2 ammo. Cherges per match:3
Power Surge Surge overloades his circuits and increases his upgrade a level by 1 for 10 seconds. Charges per match:3
Serve Ice Cold Surge keeps his STAGES 1 Super upgrade for the full match duration.
To The Max Surge's main attack now splits when hitting walls.
Nita, a versatile Brawler in Brawl Stars, operates in the mid-range, wielding a shockwave-emitting bear paw. Her main attack consists of rapid, smaller hits, providing sustained damage. While each strike may not be overwhelmingly...
Nita, a versatile Brawler in Brawl Stars, operates in the mid-range, wielding a shockwave-emitting bear paw. Her main attack consists of rapid, smaller hits, providing sustained damage. While each strike may not be overwhelmingly powerful, Nita's strength lies in her ability to control the battlefield and disrupt enemy movements. With the added support of her bear companion from the Super ability, she becomes a well-rounded force, excelling in both offense and strategic play.
4000 - 8000
960 - 1920
Bear Paws Nita commands her bear to slam the ground, stunning all enemies within its reach. Charges per match:3
Faux Fur For the next 3 seconds, Nita's bear gets a 35% shield agains damage. Charges per match:3
Bear With Me Nita recovers 936 health whenever her bear hits an enemy Brawler, her bear regains 936 health.
Hyper Bear Nita's bear attacks faster. Time between swipes is reduced by 60%.
Dynamike, a demolitions expert in Brawl Stars, is a long-range Brawler who hurls explosive sticks of dynamite. His attacks deal substantial damage in a small area, perfect for controlling space and punishing clustered foes. Dynamike's strength...
Dynamike, a demolitions expert in Brawl Stars, is a long-range Brawler who hurls explosive sticks of dynamite. His attacks deal substantial damage in a small area, perfect for controlling space and punishing clustered foes. Dynamike's strength lies in precision and area denial, making him a strategic force on the battlefield. While each explosive might not be massive, the cumulative effect of his calculated bombardments makes him a formidable opponent, especially against tightly grouped enemies.
2800 - 5600
800 - 1600
Satchel Charge Once activated, the next main attack also stuns enemies for 1.5 seconds. Charges per match:3
Fidget Spinner Dynamike spins furiously with increased movment speed and throws multiple sticks of dynamite around himself. Each dynamite deals 2040 damage to enemies. Charges per match:3
Dyna-Jump Dynamike can ride the blast wave of his explosives to jump over obstacles!
Demolition Adds +1360 damage to Mike's Super.
Brock, a skilled Brawler in Brawl Stars, dominates from a long-range with his rocket launcher. His attacks consist of powerful single shots that deal substantial damage, making him a potent force in controlling lanes. While his shots are...
Brock, a skilled Brawler in Brawl Stars, dominates from a long-range with his rocket launcher. His attacks consist of powerful single shots that deal substantial damage, making him a potent force in controlling lanes. While his shots are slower, Brock's precision and range allow him to deliver impactful blows. With a Super that rains down fiery rockets, he excels in area denial. Brock's ability to dictate the flow of battle from a distance makes him a key player in strategic, team-based gameplay.
2400 - 4800
1160 - 2320
Rocket Feul Brock's next attack is a mega rocket that is bigger, badder, faster and destroys walls. Charges per match:
Rocket Laces Brock blasts the ground below him and propels himself into the air. The explosion deals 464 damage to nearby enemies. Charges per match:3
More Rockets Rockets Rain now rains down 44% more rockets.
Rocket No.4 Brock loads a fourth rocket into his launcher, increasing his ammo capcity (and discarding the thermos bottle he's been keeping in his launcher's fourth tube).
8-Bit, a pixelated powerhouse in Brawl Stars, boasts long-range firepower. His main attack delivers a continuous stream of bullets, making him effective in suppressing enemies. While each shot may be individually...
8-Bit, a pixelated powerhouse in Brawl Stars, boasts long-range firepower. His main attack delivers a continuous stream of bullets, making him effective in suppressing enemies. While each shot may be individually weaker, 8-Bit's sustained fire and ability to enhance damage with his Super make him a formidable presence. With a boost from his turret, he transforms into a high-damage threat, dominating from a distance. 8-Bit excels in controlling lanes and providing sustained support in the ever-evolving chaos of the arena.
5000 - 10000
320 - 640
Cheat Cartridge 8-Bit instantly releports to his Damage Booster. Charges per match:3
Extra Credits 8-Bit's next attack has the number of projectiles increased to 18. Charges per match:3
Plugged In Whenn 8-Bit is near his Damage Booster, he will plug in and have increased movment speed.
Boosted Booster Increases the Damage Booster's range by 50% and boosts damage by an additional 15%.
El Primo, the fiery luchador in Brawl Stars, excels in close combat as a short-range brawler. His main attack is a powerful three-punch combo, dealing substantial damage up close. While each punch is potent, El Primo's...
El Primo, the fiery luchador in Brawl Stars, excels in close combat as a short-range brawler. His main attack is a powerful three-punch combo, dealing substantial damage up close. While each punch is potent, El Primo's strength lies in his ability to quickly close gaps and unleash devastating blows. His Super, a leaping elbow drop, adds a burst of damage and mobility to his arsenal. A true frontline bruiser, El Primo thrives in the heat of battle, dominating opponents with his powerful and swift melee attacks.
6000 - 12000
360 - 720
Asteroid Belt El Primo summons a small meteor to strike the nearest enemy. It deals 2304 damage and destroys walls. Charges per match:3
Suplex Supplement El Primo grabs the closest enemy within his reach and flips them like a pnacake over his broad shoulder. Charges per match:3
El Fuego Enemies caught in El Primo's Super will burn for 1353 damage over 4 seconds.
Mateor Rush El Primo gains a 25% speed boost for 4 seconds after using his Super.
Carl, a hard-hat-wearing Brawler in Brawl Stars, wields a pickaxe with mid-range efficiency. His main attack consists of a boomerang swing, hitting enemies on both the outward and return paths. While each hit is moderate, Carl's...
Carl, a hard-hat-wearing Brawler in Brawl Stars, wields a pickaxe with mid-range efficiency. His main attack consists of a boomerang swing, hitting enemies on both the outward and return paths. While each hit is moderate, Carl's strength lies in sustained long-range damage. His Super ability, a spin that propels him forward, adds both mobility and extra damage. With a balance of range and power, Carl excels in controlling the battlefield, making him a versatile force to be reckoned with in various game modes.
4000 - 8000
660 - 1320
Heat Ejector The next pickaxe Carl throws will drop a trail of hot rocks behind it! Opponents that touch them are set on fire and recive 528 damage per second. Charges per match:3
Flying Hook Carl's next attack makes his pickaxe pull him to the farthestpoint of the attack. Charges per match:3
Power Throw Carl throws his pickaxe with 10% more speed, allowing it to travel and return faster.
Protective Piqouette During Carl's Super, all damage he receives is reduced by 35%.
Frank, the formidable Brawler in Brawl Stars, is a short-range powerhouse. His main attack is a massive swing of his hammer, dealing significant damage in a single blow. While the attack may be slow, its sheer power...
Frank, the formidable Brawler in Brawl Stars, is a short-range powerhouse. His main attack is a massive swing of his hammer, dealing significant damage in a single blow. While the attack may be slow, its sheer power makes Frank a threat up close. His Super, a ground-shaking shockwave, stuns and damages nearby enemies. Frank excels in crowd control and disrupting enemy movements, using his colossal strength to dominate in close-quarters combat, making him a force to be reckoned with in the heart of the action.
7000 - 14000
1240 - 2480
Irresistible Attraction Frank's next attack deals an extra 100% damage and pulls opponents towards him. Charges per match:3
Active Noise Canceling Frank clears any disabling effect on himself, and momentarily becomes immune to stuns, slows and knockbacks. Charges per match:3
Sponge Frank gains +1120 health.
Power Grab Frank steals the power of a Brawler he defeats, increasing his damage by 50% for 12 seconds!
Jessie, a crafty engineer in Brawl Stars, operates at a mid-range with her shock rifle. Her main attack releases energy orbs, each dealing moderate damage. While not individually powerful, Jessie's strength lies in...
Jessie, a crafty engineer in Brawl Stars, operates at a mid-range with her shock rifle. Her main attack releases energy orbs, each dealing moderate damage. While not individually powerful, Jessie's strength lies in consistent, rapid-fire shots. Her Super summons a turret that autonomously targets foes, adding sustained pressure. Excelling in area control, Jessie's versatility makes her a strategic asset, providing support to allies while keeping enemies at bay with her steady stream of energy projectiles.
3000 - 6000
1060 - 2120
Recoil Spring Scrappy's attack speed is doubled for 5 seconds. Charges per match:3
Spark Plug Jessie triggers a shockwave from her turret, slowing down all enemies withing its area of effect. Charges per match:3
Energize Jessie can repair her gun turret for 795 of its missing health by zapping it with her attack.
Shocky Scrappy the Turret now shoots energy orbs that bounce between enemies. The orb's range after a bounce is 51% of normal range.
Rosa, a robust Brawler in Brawl Stars, dominates at close range with her gardening gloves. Her main attack delivers a series of quick punches, dealing moderate damage. While not individually overpowering...
Rosa, a robust Brawler in Brawl Stars, dominates at close range with her gardening gloves. Her main attack delivers a series of quick punches, dealing moderate damage. While not individually overpowering, Rosa's strength lies in sustained melee combat. Her Super ability grants her a protective shield, enhancing her durability in the thick of battle. Excelling in close-quarters engagements, Rosa's combination of relentless punches and defensive capabilities make her a formidable force, especially when holding down key positions in the arena.
5400 - 10800
460 - 920
Unfriendly Bushes All opponents hiding in bushes take 165 damage and gets slowed down for 3 seconds. Charges per match:3
Grow Light Rosa fertilizes the ground around her and bushes instantly grow to provide great cove. Charges per match:3
Thorny Gloves Rosa's punches gain +165 damage during her Super.
Plant Life Rosa recovers 195 health per second when inside a bush.
Griff, the shrewd black market vendor in Brawl Stars, excels at long-range combat with his coin-shooting blunderbuss. His main attack unleashes a stream of coins, delivering moderate damage individually. While...
Griff, the shrewd black market vendor in Brawl Stars, excels at long-range combat with his coin-shooting blunderbuss. His main attack unleashes a stream of coins, delivering moderate damage individually. While not overwhelmingly powerful, Griff's strength lies in sustained, rapid-fire shots. His Super, a silver storm, deals substantial damage over time. As a versatile, long-range Brawler, Griff controls engagements by steadily chipping away at opponents, making him a strategic force on the battlefield.
3400 - 6800
260 - 520
Coin Shower Griff's next Coin Toss shoots 33% more coins. Charges per match:3
Piggy Bank Griff drops a firecracker-filled piggy bank that explodes after a short delay, destroying abstacles and dealing 650 damage to opponents within range. Charges per match:3
Business Resilience Every 2 seconds, Griff regains up 15% of his missing health.
Keep The Change Furious Griff tosses coins faster, reducing the time for a full salvo by 25%
Max, the hyper-energetic Brawler in Brawl Stars, operates at a mid-range with her blaster. Her main attack delivers a series of rapid shots, dealing moderate damage individually. While not individually potent, Max's strength lies in her...
Max, the hyper-energetic Brawler in Brawl Stars, operates at a mid-range with her blaster. Her main attack delivers a series of rapid shots, dealing moderate damage individually. While not individually potent, Max's strength lies in her speedy, sustained attacks. Her Super ability, a burst of speed, enhances mobility and reload speed for both her and allies. Excelling in hit-and-run tactics, Max provides dynamic support and disrupts enemy formations, making her a versatile and agile force in various game modes.
3000 - 6000
320 - 640
Sneaky Sneakers Max blinks back to a place of her choosing after 3 seconds's delay, recovering any dmage she received in the meantime. Charges per match:3
Phase Shifter Max dashes forward, and becomes immune to all damage from enemies while dashing. Charges per match:3
Run N Gun Max reloads faster while moving.
Super Charged Max now charges her Super while moving.
Chuck's close-range dominance and explosive capabilities make him a valuable asset in game modes like Knockout and Hot Zone. His ability to overwhelm enemies with his steam blasts and clear out areas with his Choo-Choo! Super makes him...
Chuck's close-range dominance and explosive capabilities make him a valuable asset in game modes like Knockout and Hot Zone. His ability to overwhelm enemies with his steam blasts and clear out areas with his Choo-Choo! Super makes him a formidable force on the battlefield. Whether it's demolishing groups of enemies with his relentless steam blasts or creating strategic opportunities with his Super, Chuck's energetic personality proves to be a powerful asset on any team.
4500 - 9000
540 - 1080
Ghost Train Chuck's next Super can go through walls! Charges per match:3
Rerouting Chuck removes the nearest Post and recharges his Super. Charges per match:3
Tickets Please! Dashing through enemies with his Super will also steal 33% of their ammo.
Pit Stop Increase the maximum amount of Post by 1.
Spike, a prickly Brawler in Brawl Stars, operates at a mid-range, launching cactus grenades. His main attack releases a cluster of smaller projectiles, dealing moderate damage individually. While not individually powerful...
Spike, a prickly Brawler in Brawl Stars, operates at a mid-range, launching cactus grenades. His main attack releases a cluster of smaller projectiles, dealing moderate damage individually. While not individually powerful, Spike's strength lies in his ability to control space with area-of-effect damage. His Super ability, a field of thorns, slows enemies, adding a strategic advantage. With a balance of crowd control and sustained damage, Spike excels in disrupting opponents and maintaining control over key areas in the arena.
2400 - 4800
5600 - 1120
Life Plant Spike grows a large cactus with 1200 health to give cover to friendlies. If destroyed, the cactus bursts, and all nearby friendlies recover720 health. Charges per match:3
Popping Pincushion Spike shoots 3 waves of needles in all directions, dealing 560 damage per hit. Charges per match:3
Fertilize After using Super, Spike regenerates 600 health per second by staying in its area o effect.
Curveball Spikes from the cactus grenade fly in a curving motion, making it easier to hit targets.
Crow, the elusive Brawler in Brawl Stars, operates at a long-range with his dagger attacks. His main attack releases a series of smaller strikes, dealing moderate damage individually. While not individually potent, Crow's strength lies...
Crow, the elusive Brawler in Brawl Stars, operates at a long-range with his dagger attacks. His main attack releases a series of smaller strikes, dealing moderate damage individually. While not individually potent, Crow's strength lies in his ability to chip away at enemies from a distance. His Super, a toxic swoop, deals damage over time and slows foes. Excelling in hit-and-run tactics, Crow excels at disrupting enemy movements and applying consistent pressure with his agile and venomous playstyle.
2400 - 4800
320 - 640
Slowing Toxin All currently poisnoned enemies are slowed for 2 seconds. Charges per match:3
Defense Booster Crow gets a shield for 40% of incoming damage for 3 seconds. Charges per match:3
Extra Toxic Crow's poison saps the strength of enimies, who deal 15%less damage while poisoned.
Carrion Crow Crow deals +128 damage with his attack and Super to targets with 50% or less health.
Jacky, the heavy-hitting Brawler in Brawl Stars, thrives in close-quarters combat. Armed with a jackhammer, she delivers a powerful close-range attack with each swing. While her attacks are singular, their impact is substantial. Jacky's...
Jacky, the heavy-hitting Brawler in Brawl Stars, thrives in close-quarters combat. Armed with a jackhammer, she delivers a powerful close-range attack with each swing. While her attacks are singular, their impact is substantial. Jacky's Super, a ground-shaking drill, damages and stuns nearby enemies, adding crowd control to her repertoire. Excelling in short-range engagements, Jacky is a formidable force in controlling the battlefield, making her a strategic choice for close-quarters combat scenarios.
5000 - 10000
1240 - 2480
Pneumatic Booster Jacky gets a burst of energy and moves 25% faster for 4 seconds. Charges per match:3
Rebuild Jacky rebuilds the enviroment in a small radius around her. Charges per match:3
Hardy Hard Hat Jacky's Hard Hat protects her by reducing any damage she takes by 20%.
Counter Crush When receiving damage, Jacky returns the favor by converting 30% of the damage into a Froundbreaker counterattack.
Barley in Brawl Stars is a long-range thrower who lobs bottles of explosive concoctions. His unique attacks create fiery chaos, dealing area-of-effect damage. With a series of smaller attacks, Barley excels at controlling the battlefield, denying...
Barley in Brawl Stars is a long-range thrower who lobs bottles of explosive concoctions. His unique attacks create fiery chaos, dealing area-of-effect damage. With a series of smaller attacks, Barley excels at controlling the battlefield, denying enemies space, and unleashing powerful bursts when needed. Mastering his strategic playstyle makes Barley a formidable force in the Brawl Stars arena.
2400 - 4800
760 - 1520
Sticky Syrup Mixer Barley drops a sticky concoction that leaves a puddle, slowing down all enemies that make a contact with it. Charges per match:3
Herbal Tonic Barley throws a healing potion at nearby allies that creates an area that heals for 468 health per second. Charges per match:3
Extra Noxious Adds +200 damage per second to Barley's attack.
Medical Use Barley regains 312 helath from each attack.
Bull in Brawl Stars is a short-range brawler armed with a double-barreled shotgun. His devastating attacks deliver high damage at close quarters, making him a formidable force in direct confrontations. With a single...
Bull in Brawl Stars is a short-range brawler armed with a double-barreled shotgun. His devastating attacks deliver high damage at close quarters, making him a formidable force in direct confrontations. With a single, powerful shot, Bull excels at close-range combat, charging headfirst into battles and dominating opponents with his raw strength and short-ranged firepower.
5000 - 10000
440 - 880
Stomper Bull can interrupt his Super charge and slow all nearby opponents with a massive stomp for 1.5 seconds. Charges per match:3
T-Bone Injector Bull instantly rejuvenates himself for 1300 health. Charges per match:3
Tough Guy When Bull falls below 40% health, he gains a sheild that reduces all damage he takes by 30%
Berserker When Bull falls below 60% health, his reload speed doubles!
Gale in Brawl Stars is a long-range support Brawler. Armed with a wind-based blaster, he delivers consistent, medium-damage shots. While his attacks are rapid and smaller, Gale's Super ability creates a powerful gust of...
Gale in Brawl Stars is a long-range support Brawler. Armed with a wind-based blaster, he delivers consistent, medium-damage shots. While his attacks are rapid and smaller, Gale's Super ability creates a powerful gust of wind, pushing enemies away. Excelling in controlling the battlefield and providing support, Gale's unique abilities make him a strategic choice for long-range engagements and disrupting enemy formations. His wind-based attacks and crowd-control Super add versatility to team dynamics, making Gale a valuable asset in various game modes.
3800 - 7600
280 - 560
Twister Gale uses his leaf blower to create a local tornado, which will push away any opponents that try to pass through. Chareges per match:3
Spring Ejector Gale drops a bounce pad underfoot, launching friend and foe alike into the air. Charges per match:3
Blustery Blow Gale's Super now stuns enemies for 1.2 seconds if they are pushes against obstacles.
Freezing Snow Gale's snow balls now slow down opponents for 0.5 seconds.
Mortis in Brawl Stars is a unique melee Brawler with a scythe. Thriving in close-quarters combat, Mortis dashes through enemies with swift and agile movements, dealing damage with each swipe. While his attacks are quick and...
Mortis in Brawl Stars is a unique melee Brawler with a scythe. Thriving in close-quarters combat, Mortis dashes through enemies with swift and agile movements, dealing damage with each swipe. While his attacks are quick and individually deal moderate damage, Mortis's true strength lies in his mobility and ability to navigate the battlefield, making him a challenging and elusive opponent in short-range engagements. His fast-paced playstyle and the potential for quick strikes make Mortis a dynamic choice for players who enjoy high-mobility characters.
3800 - 7600
940 - 1880
Survival Shovel Mortis reloads faster for 4 seconds. Charges per match:3
Combo Spinner Mortis spins his shovel, hitting all enemies around himself for 1504 damage. Charges per match:3
Coiled Snake Mortis gains his longer dash 2 seconds faster.
Creepy Harvest Mortis reaps his life essence of Brawlers he defeats restoring 20% of his max health.
Penny in Brawl Stars is a ranged artillery Brawler armed with a cannon. Excelling at long-range combat, Penny's main attack fires a barrage of smaller projectiles that deal moderate damage individually. Her Super ability, however...
Penny in Brawl Stars is a ranged artillery Brawler armed with a cannon. Excelling at long-range combat, Penny's main attack fires a barrage of smaller projectiles that deal moderate damage individually. Her Super ability, however, releases a devastating mortar shell, dealing significant area-of-effect damage, making Penny a strategic choice for controlling the battlefield from a distance. With her versatile attacks and the ability to chip away at foes, Penny is a formidable force in both offense and defense.
3200 - 6400
940 -1880
Trusty Spyglass Penny's cannon blasts at every visible enemy position within range. Charges per match:3
Salty Barrel Penny drops a barrel of salt that blocks enemy projectiles. She can also use it burst her own gold pouches. Charges per match:3
Heavy Coffers Penny's gold pounches burst with a 100% wider cone after each hit.
Master Blaster Penny's cannon deals 1184 damage and knocks back nearby enemies on landing.
R-T's versatility and adaptability make him a valuable asset in various game modes, including Gem Grab, Bounty, and Knockout. His ability to switch between long-range and close-range attacks and split into two units allows him to...
R-T's versatility and adaptability make him a valuable asset in various game modes, including Gem Grab, Bounty, and Knockout. His ability to switch between long-range and close-range attacks and split into two units allows him to control the battlefield and adapt to different situations. Whether it's bombarding enemies from a distance with his siren projectiles or overwhelming them in close quarters with his enhanced damage, R-T's resourcefulness and adaptability prove to be a powerful asset on any team.
3900 - 7800
700 - 1400
In Line R-T signals his legs while split, gamaging every brawlers in between for 560 and slowing them. Charges per match:3
Hacks! Instantly trigger all active marks on all enemy brawlers, dealing their damage. Charges per match:3
Quick Maths Marks created last 3 seconds longer.
Recording R-T and his legs take 20% less damage when split.
Darryl in Brawl Stars is a short-range, dual-wielding shotgunner. Specializing in close-quarters combat, Darryl unleashes a series of rapid, close-range attacks with his twin shotguns, dealing moderate damage...
Darryl in Brawl Stars is a short-range, dual-wielding shotgunner. Specializing in close-quarters combat, Darryl unleashes a series of rapid, close-range attacks with his twin shotguns, dealing moderate damage per shot. His Super ability transforms him into a rolling barrel, allowing him to quickly traverse the battlefield or surprise enemies. With a focus on aggressive play and mobility, Darryl excels in disrupting enemy formations and securing objectives in short-range engagements.
5300 - 10600
240 - 480
Tar Barrle Darryl creates a slowing area around himself for 5 seconds. Charges per match:3
Recoiling Rotator Darryl spins around and sprays a barrage of shots in all directions. Each shot deals 300 damage and recharges his Super by 25% if it hits enemies! Charges per match:3
Rolling Reload When Darryl uses his Super, he doubles his reload speed for 5 seconds.
Steel Hoops After Barrel Roll all dagamge Darryl takes is reduced by 25% for 2 seconds.
Grom's close-range dominance and explosive capabilities make him a valuable asset in game modes like Knockout and Hot Zone. His ability to overwhelm enemies with his bomb barrages and clear out areas with his Barrel Blast makes him...
Grom's close-range dominance and explosive capabilities make him a valuable asset in game modes like Knockout and Hot Zone. His ability to overwhelm enemies with his bomb barrages and clear out areas with his Barrel Blast makes him a formidable force on the battlefield. Whether it's demolishing groups of enemies with his relentless explosions or creating strategic opportunities with his Super, Grom's explosive personality proves to be a powerful asset on any team.
2800 - 5600
1060 - 2120
Radio Check Grom's next attack throws 3 Buds in rapid succession. Charges per match:3
Watchtower Grom ejects a Watchtower from his Grom Bomb that gives all allies sight into bushes over a large area. The watchtower slowly loses health over time. Charges per match:3
Foot Patrol When Grom's Super is fully charges, he gains +15% faster movment speed!
X-Factor The split from Grom's main attack deals up to +30% extra damage at max distance.
Gus's healing capabilities and supportive playstyle make him a valuable asset in game modes like Gem Grab and Bounty. His ability to heal allies and protect them with his shield makes him a formidable force on the battlefield. Whether...
Gus's healing capabilities and supportive playstyle make him a valuable asset in game modes like Gem Grab and Bounty. His ability to heal allies and protect them with his shield makes him a formidable force on the battlefield. Whether it's restoring the health of teammates in the midst of battle or providing a safety net with his Shield, Gus's spectral benevolence proves to be a powerful asset on any team.
3200 - 6400
940 - 1880
Soul Switcher Gus loses 5% health but gains 100% spirit instantly. Charges per match:3
Kooky Popper Explode all uncollected spirits, dealing 940 damage to nearby enemies. Charges per match:3
Health Bonanza Healing gained from spirits are increased by 100%.
Spirit Animal Spooky increases the damage of a teammate by 25% for 5 seconds.
Bibi in Brawl Stars is a medium-range Brawler wielding a baseball bat. With each swing, Bibi deals moderate damage, and her attacks have a unique mechanic—they can bounce off walls, allowing for strategic plays and unexpected...
Bibi in Brawl Stars is a medium-range Brawler wielding a baseball bat. With each swing, Bibi deals moderate damage, and her attacks have a unique mechanic—they can bounce off walls, allowing for strategic plays and unexpected angles. While not a long-range attacker, Bibi's versatility lies in her ability to control mid-range engagements. Her Super ability, a powerful homerun swing, deals area-of-effect damage, making Bibi effective in crowd control situations. Her agility and versatile attack style make Bibi a dynamic choice for players who enjoy adaptability in different scenarios.
4800 - 9600
1400 - 2800
Extra Sticky Bibi's next Spitball sows down enemies on hit for 3 seconds! Charges per match:3
Vitamin Booster Bibi heals 480 health per second for 4 seconds. Charges per match:3
Home Run Bibi's movement speed is increased by 12% when her Home Run bar is fully charged.
Batting Stance When Bibi's Homerun bar is fully charged, she sheilds herself from all damage by 20%.
Nani in Brawl Stars is a long-range robotic companion armed with a single-shot laser. Operating from a distance, Nani's primary attack delivers a powerful, high-damage shot. Her Super ability, a controllable robotic...
Nani in Brawl Stars is a long-range robotic companion armed with a single-shot laser. Operating from a distance, Nani's primary attack delivers a powerful, high-damage shot. Her Super ability, a controllable robotic drone named "Peep," can travel across the map and explode upon impact, dealing damage to enemies in its radius. While Nani requires precision due to her single-shot nature, her Super adds a strategic element, making her a formidable force in long-range engagements and offering unique tactical opportunities.
2600 - 5200
800 - 1600
Return To Sender For the next 2 seconds, the first time Nani takes damage from an enemy, 80% of the damage is returned to the enemy. Charges per match:3
Wrap Blast Nani detonates Peep and teleports to his location. Charges per match:3
Autofocus Peep deals up to 1000 extra damage based on his trevel distance.
Tempered Steel Nani takes 80% less damage while her Super is active.
Pam in Brawl Stars is a supportive Brawler with a long-range weapon. Armed with a healing turret, Pam's main attack consists of a series of smaller, rapid-fire shots that deal moderate damage individually. Her unique strength lies in...
Pam in Brawl Stars is a supportive Brawler with a long-range weapon. Armed with a healing turret, Pam's main attack consists of a series of smaller, rapid-fire shots that deal moderate damage individually. Her unique strength lies in her Super ability, deploying a healing station that benefits teammates within its range. While not a high-damage dealer, Pam excels in providing sustained support and area control, making her a valuable asset in team-based game modes. Her versatility and healing capabilities make Pam an essential choice for players focused on team synergy.
4800 - 9600
360 - 520
Pulse Modulator Pam triggers her turret to emit a pulse that heals allies inside the turret's range, including herself, for 960 health. Charges per match:3
Scrapsucker Each hit from Pam's next attack removes 25% of opposing Brawlers' maximum ammo. Pam reclaims 50% of the ammo for herself. Charges per match:3
Mama's Squeeze Healing turret now also damages enemies for 480 damage per second.
Mama's Hug Whenever Pam hits enemy Brawlers with Scrapstorm, she heals herself and nearby friendly Brawlers for 48 health.
Poco in Brawl Stars is a mid-range support Brawler. Armed with a guitar, his primary attack emits soundwaves that deal moderate damage in a cone-shaped area. Poco's unique strength lies in his Super ability—a healing melody that...
Poco in Brawl Stars is a mid-range support Brawler. Armed with a guitar, his primary attack emits soundwaves that deal moderate damage in a cone-shaped area. Poco's unique strength lies in his Super ability—a healing melody that restores health to himself and nearby teammates. While not a high-damage dealer, Poco excels in providing sustained support and healing, making him crucial for team survival in various game modes. His mid-range capabilities allow him to contribute both offensively and defensively, making Poco a versatile and strategic choice for players focused on team synergy.
3700 - 7400
760 - 1520
Protective Tunes Removes active adverse effect from friendly Brawlers in a large area and gives a 2 second immunity. Charges per match:3
Tuning Fork Poco and all nearby allies heals 384 health per second for 5 seconds. Charges per match:3
Da Capo When Poco's attack hits friendly Brawlers they now heal for 625 health.
Screeching Solo Poco's Super now also hits enemies, dealing 988 damage.
Rico in Brawl Stars is a long-range sharpshooter armed with a high-tech bouncing bullet blaster. His main attack consists of a series of smaller, bouncing shots that deal moderate damage individually. Rico's unique strength lies in his...
Rico in Brawl Stars is a long-range sharpshooter armed with a high-tech bouncing bullet blaster. His main attack consists of a series of smaller, bouncing shots that deal moderate damage individually. Rico's unique strength lies in his ability to use obstacles to his advantage, as his shots can bounce off walls, allowing for strategic plays and unexpected angles. While not a heavy hitter with each shot, Rico's versatility in controlling long-range engagements and manipulating the battlefield makes him a dynamic choice for players who enjoy precision and strategic positioning.
2800 - 5600
320 - 640
MultiBall Launcher Rico blasts waves of bouncy bullets in all directions. Charges per match:3
Bouncy Castle Rico's next basic attack will heal him for 128 health from each projectile bounce. Charges per match:3
Robo Retreat When Rico falls below 40% health, he runs 34% faster!
Super Bouncy Rico's bullets, from attack and Super alike, get Supercharged by their first bounce and deal +128 damage!
Tick in Brawl Stars is a mid-range Brawler with a unique explosive attack mechanism. His primary attack launches three small mines that deal moderate damage upon impact. While not a long-range attacker, Tick excels at controlling...
Tick in Brawl Stars is a mid-range Brawler with a unique explosive attack mechanism. His primary attack launches three small mines that deal moderate damage upon impact. While not a long-range attacker, Tick excels at controlling mid-range engagements and area denial. His Super ability deploys a larger minefield, providing strategic zoning and crowd control. Despite dealing smaller individual damage, Tick's strength lies in his ability to create chaos on the battlefield, making him an effective choice for controlling objectives and limiting enemy movements.
2200 - 4400
640 - 1280
Last Hurrah Tick gains a 50% sheild for 1.0 seconds. AFter that, it bursts out for 640 damage. Charges per match:3
Mine Mania Tick' next attack fires 6 mines. Charges per match:3
Automa-Tick Reload Tick's reload time is 9% shorter.
Well oiled When Tick takes no damage and doesn's attack, he starts recovering health 2 seconds faster than normal.
Piper in Brawl Stars is a long-range sniper with a flair for precision shots. Armed with a trusty sniper rifle, her main attack delivers a single, high-damage shot at a considerable distance. While Piper excels at long-range...
Piper in Brawl Stars is a long-range sniper with a flair for precision shots. Armed with a trusty sniper rifle, her main attack delivers a single, high-damage shot at a considerable distance. While Piper excels at long-range engagements, her attacks require accuracy for maximum impact. Her Super ability, the Poppin', propels her away from danger. Though her attacks are singular, Piper's strength lies in delivering devastating blows from a safe distance, making her an excellent choice for players who enjoy precise aiming and calculated plays.
2400 - 4800
1700 - 3400
Homemade Recipe On activation, Piper's next main attack will home in on enemies. Charges per match:3
Auto Aimer Piper pops a defensive shot at the closest enemy, dealing 85 damage, while also pushing them back and slowing them down. Charges per match:3
Snappy Sniping When Piper hits an opponent with her attack, she reloads 0.4 ammo instantly.
Ambush Piper's attack deals +595 extra damage (at max range) when she's hidden in a bush.
Bonnie's versatility and adaptability make her a valuable asset in various game modes, including Gem Grab, Bounty, and Knockout. Her ability to switch between long-range and close-range attacks allows her to control the...
Bonnie's versatility and adaptability make her a valuable asset in various game modes, including Gem Grab, Bounty, and Knockout. Her ability to switch between long-range and close-range attacks allows her to control the battlefield and adapt to different situations. Whether it's bombarding enemies from a distance with her cannonballs or rushing into battle with her cutlass, Bonnie's piratical spirit proves to be a powerful asset on any team.
4800 - 9600
1000 - 2000
Crash Test Bonnie dashes forward, knocking back enemies and dealing 1160 damage on hit. Charges per match:3
Sugar Rush Clyde's movement and reload speed are increased by 30% for 5 seconds. Charges per match:3
Wisdom Tooth Loose Tooth shatters on hit, dealing 25% extra damage to nearby enemies.
Black Powder The range of Bonnie's Star launcher is increased by 36%.
Hank's long-range attacks and area control capabilities make him a valuable asset in game modes like Gem Grab and Heist. His ability to harass enemies from a safe distance and control choke points with his torpedo...
Hank's long-range attacks and area control capabilities make him a valuable asset in game modes like Gem Grab and Heist. His ability to harass enemies from a safe distance and control choke points with his torpedo barrage makes him a formidable force on the battlefield. Whether it's bombarding choke points with his water balloons or launching a surprise torpedo barrage, Hank's aquatic arsenal proves to be a powerful asset on any team.
5800 - 11600
525 - 1045
Barricade Hank takes 40% reduced damage for 3 seconds. Charges per match:3
Water Ballons The next Ballon Blast also slows down enemies for 3 seconds. Charges per match:3
Take Cover! Hank takes 20% less damage when near a wall.
It's Gonna Blow When Ballon Blast is charged over 80%, Hank gains 10% extra movement speed.
Tara in Brawl Stars is a mid-range mystical Brawler. Armed with a triple spread card attack, she deals moderate damage to enemies within her range. Tara's Super ability, the Black Portal, summons a gravitational vortex...
Tara in Brawl Stars is a mid-range mystical Brawler. Armed with a triple spread card attack, she deals moderate damage to enemies within her range. Tara's Super ability, the Black Portal, summons a gravitational vortex that pulls in and damages enemies in its radius. While not a long-range attacker, Tara's versatility lies in her ability to control mid-range engagements and disrupt enemy formations with her Super. Her unique attack pattern and disruptive Super make Tara a strategic choice for players who enjoy both offense and crowd control.
3100 - 6200
480 - 960
Support From Beyond Tara surrounds herself with three weak shadows that attack opponents and disappear after 6 seconds. Charges per match:3
Psychic Enhancer Tara and her allies are able to see all enemies, even inside bushes, for 4 seconds. Charges per match:3
Black Portal Tara's Super cracks open a dimensional portal! A shadowy version of Tara appears an attacks her enemies.
Healing shade Tara's Super cracks open a dimensional portal! A shadowy version of Tara appears to heal Tara and her teammates.
Gene in Brawl Stars is a mid-range support Brawler. Armed with a magic lamp, his main attack shoots a concentrated, high-damage beam in a straight line. While not a long-range attacker, Gene's strength lies in...
Gene in Brawl Stars is a mid-range support Brawler. Armed with a magic lamp, his main attack shoots a concentrated, high-damage beam in a straight line. While not a long-range attacker, Gene's strength lies in his Super ability, the Magic Hand, which allows him to grab and pull enemies towards him. This unique mechanic enables strategic plays and disrupts enemy positioning. Despite dealing high damage with his main attack, Gene's primary role is to provide crowd control and set up opportunities for his team, making him a valuable asset in various game modes.
3600 - 7200
960 - 1920
Vengeful Spirits Gene shoots a homing missile at all visible opponents within a large area, dealing up to 768 damage based on distance. Charges per match:3
Lamp Blowout All enemies close to Gene are instantly pushed back. If at least one enemy Brawler is within range, Gene will also restore 10% of his max health. Charges per match:3
Spirit Slap Gene's Magic Hand also damages enemies, dealing 960 damage on hit.
Magic Puffs Gene heals all friendly Brawlers around him for 288 health per second.
Mr. P in Brawl Stars is a long-range control Brawler. Equipped with a suitcase that shoots bouncing projectiles, his main attack delivers moderate damage over a decent range. Mr. P's Super ability deploys a Porter, a mobile...
Mr. P in Brawl Stars is a long-range control Brawler. Equipped with a suitcase that shoots bouncing projectiles, his main attack delivers moderate damage over a decent range. Mr. P's Super ability deploys a Porter, a mobile luggage that autonomously attacks enemies. Despite not having a heavy-hitting attack, Mr. P excels at providing constant pressure and controlling areas with his bouncing shots and the persistent threat of his Porter. His strategic strength lies in area denial and supporting his team from a safe distance, making him a valuable asset in various game modes.
3400 - 6800
760 - 1520
Service Bell Mr.P buffs his current porter by increasing its damage by 114 and health by 680. Charges per match:3
Porter Reinforcements The next attack will spawn a weak porter where the attack lands. Charges per match:3
Revolving Door All robo-porters from the homebase have 20% more health and 30% higher damage.
Handle With Care Every 4 seconds, the explosion damage of Mr.P's next overstuffed suitecase is increased by 40%
Sprout in Brawl Stars is a versatile, mid-range Brawler. Sporting a plant-like appearance, Sprout's main attack involves launching explosive seeds that deal moderate damage upon impact. Additionally, Sprout's Super ability...
Sprout in Brawl Stars is a versatile, mid-range Brawler. Sporting a plant-like appearance, Sprout's main attack involves launching explosive seeds that deal moderate damage upon impact. Additionally, Sprout's Super ability allows the deployment of a protective wall that can be strategically placed on the battlefield. While not a long-range attacker, Sprout excels at controlling mid-range engagements, disrupting enemy movements with its explosive projectiles, and creating tactical obstacles with its Super. Its unique abilities make Sprout an effective choice for both offense and defense in various game modes.
3000 - 6000
980 - 1960
Garden Mulcher Sprout consumes a bush to restore 900 health. Charges per match:3
Transplant Sprout destroys its current Hedge, but will instantly have its Super fully charged again. Charges per match:3
Photosynthesis Sprout activates a sheild, partially protecting itself from all attacks while inside a bush.
Overgrowth Every 5 seconds, the next Seed Bomb will explode with a larger explosion radius.
Byron in Brawl Stars is a long-range support Brawler. Armed with a crossbow that shoots healing shots, his main attack can heal allies or damage enemies depending on where the shot lands. While not a heavy hitter, Byron's...
Byron in Brawl Stars is a long-range support Brawler. Armed with a crossbow that shoots healing shots, his main attack can heal allies or damage enemies depending on where the shot lands. While not a heavy hitter, Byron's strength lies in his Super ability, the Healing Tonic, which delivers a potent burst of healing to allies in its area of effect. His unique ability to provide healing at a distance makes Byron a valuable asset in supporting teammates from afar, making him a strategic choice in team-based game modes.
2400 - 4800
340 - 680
Shot In The Arm Byron uses one of his shots to heal himself 600 per second for 3 seconds. Charges per match:3
Booster Shots Byron's next attack shoots 3 darts insted of one, each dealing 20% less damage and 40% less healing. Charges per match:3
Injection Every 3.5 seconds the next basic attack will pierce through targets.
Malaise Byron's Super will also cause opponents to receive 75% less healing from any source for 9 seconds.
Squeak in Brawl Stars is a mid-range explosive specialist. Sporting a sticky bomb launcher, his main attack lobs adhesive bombs that stick to enemies and surfaces before exploding. Although not a long-range attacker...
Squeak in Brawl Stars is a mid-range explosive specialist. Sporting a sticky bomb launcher, his main attack lobs adhesive bombs that stick to enemies and surfaces before exploding. Although not a long-range attacker, Squeak's unique mechanic allows him to control and disrupt areas with his sticky bombs. His Super ability unleashes a cluster of bombs, creating widespread chaos. While Squeak's individual attacks may deal less damage, their potential for area denial and crowd control makes him a strategic choice for controlling the battlefield in various game modes.
3600 - 7200
1080 - 2160
Windup Squeak's next Sticky Blomb deals 50% more damage and has 100% longer range. Charges per match:3
Residue Squeak's next Sticky Blomb leaves an residue area behind after exploding, slowing down enemies and giving allies sight into bushes for 6 seconds. Charges per match:3
Super Sticky Secondary Sticky Blomb explosions from Squeak's Super also slow down opponents for 4 seconds.
Chain Reaction Each opponent within the area of a Sticky Blomb's explosion increases the Blomb's damage by 15%.
Gray's long-range attacks and illusionary tactics make him a valuable asset in game modes like Gem Grab and Bounty. His ability to harass enemies from a safe distance and control the battlefield with his portals makes him a...
Gray's long-range attacks and illusionary tactics make him a valuable asset in game modes like Gem Grab and Bounty. His ability to harass enemies from a safe distance and control the battlefield with his portals makes him a formidable force on the battlefield. Whether it's bombarding choke points with his illusory bullets or teleporting his team to strategic positions, Gray's mastery of cinematic illusions proves to be a powerful asset on any team.
3300 - 6600
1160 - 2320
Grand Piano Gray's next hit from the Finger Pistol will also leave a target on the ground where a piano will land and hurt enemies. It would be too bad if someone would get hurt right? Charges per match:3
Walking Cane Gray's next hit from the Finger Pistol shoots a walking cane which pulls enemies back by a bit. Charges per match:3
Fake Injury When Gray has full health, the next damage taken is reduced by 50%.
New Perspective When Gray or his Allies use Doors, they recover 660 hit points.
Doug's short-range attacks and supportive capabilities make him a valuable asset in game modes like Gem Grab and Brawl Ball. His ability to heal allies and protect them with his Super makes him a formidable force on the...
Doug's short-range attacks and supportive capabilities make him a valuable asset in game modes like Gem Grab and Brawl Ball. His ability to heal allies and protect them with his Super makes him a formidable force on the battlefield. Whether it's healing teammates in the midst of battle or providing a safety net with his Second Serving, Doug's culinary expertise proves to be a powerful asset on any team.
5000 - 10000
1200 - 2400
Extra Mustard The next Snack Attack only damages enemies but doubles the amount. Charges per match:3
Double Sausage The next Snack Attack only heals allies but doubles the amount. Charges per match:3
Self Service Snack Attack also heals Doug by 20% of the normal value.
Fast Food Resurrected targets gain increased movement speed for 3 seconds after being resurrected.
Sandy in Brawl Stars is a versatile, mid-range Brawler. Armed with a basic attack that shoots a sand blast, Sandy's shots deal moderate damage to opponents within range. While not a long-range specialist, Sandy excels in controlling...
Sandy in Brawl Stars is a versatile, mid-range Brawler. Armed with a basic attack that shoots a sand blast, Sandy's shots deal moderate damage to opponents within range. While not a long-range specialist, Sandy excels in controlling mid-range engagements. Additionally, Sandy's Super ability, the Sandstorm, creates a large area of invisibility, allowing teammates within to move undetected by enemies. This unique supportive aspect makes Sandy valuable in disrupting enemy strategies and providing strategic advantages in various game modes.
5000 - 10000
1200 - 2400
Sweet Dreams Sandy' next attack lulls opponents to sleep for 1.0 seconds. They will, however, wake up from any damage. Charges per match:3
Sleep Stimulator sandy falls asleep for 1.5 seconds and his health is fully restored. Charges per match:3
Healing Winds Sandstorm now also heals friendly Brawlers for 190 health per second.
Rude Sands Sandstorms now also damages enemies for 108 damage per second.
Amber in Brawl Stars is a short-range Brawler with a fiery twist. Her main attack involves shooting a stream of fire that deals sustained damage to enemies within close proximity. While not a long-range specialist, Amber's strength...
Amber in Brawl Stars is a short-range Brawler with a fiery twist. Her main attack involves shooting a stream of fire that deals sustained damage to enemies within close proximity. While not a long-range specialist, Amber's strength lies in her ability to control and dominate short-range encounters. Her Super ability releases a puddle of oil that can be ignited for a powerful area-of-effect attack, adding versatility to her arsenal. With a focus on close-quarters combat and fiery mayhem, Amber is a formidable force in the heat of battle, providing a strategic advantage in various game modes.
5000 - 10000
1200 - 2400
Fire Starters Amber runs for 3 seconds while spilling her fire fluid, which she can then ignite. Charges per match:3
Dancing Flames Amber creates 3 orbiting flames around her for 5 seconds, dealing 1000 damage on hit. Charges per match:3
Wild Flames Amber can have two fuel puddles on the ground simultaneously and she will recharge her Super automatically when standing near one.
Scorchin' Siphon While being near a puddle of fire fluidz, Amber uses it to reload her firebreathing 50% faster.
Meg's close-range dominance and transformative abilities make her a valuable asset in game modes like Knockout and Hot Zone. Her ability to overwhelm enemies with her powerful punches and transform into a...
Meg's close-range dominance and transformative abilities make her a valuable asset in game modes like Knockout and Hot Zone. Her ability to overwhelm enemies with her powerful punches and transform into a towering mech makes her a formidable force on the battlefield. Whether it's clearing out groups of enemies with her relentless attacks or unleashing a surprise shockwave with her Mech Madness, Meg's gadget-fueled inventions prove to be a powerful asset on any team.
5000 - 10000
1200 - 2400
Toolbox Meg drops her toolbox, which increases the reload speed for nearby allies by 35% until it gets destroyed. Charges per match:3
Jolting Heal the Mecha by 259 health per second for 5 seconds. Charges per match:3
Force Field Meg is protected by a 25% sheild for 10 seconds when her Mecha is destroyed.
Heavy Metal Upon expiring, the Mecha suit explodes, dealing 1200 damage to nearby opponents and pushing them away.
Chester's long-range attacks and unpredictable Supers make him a versatile brawler who can adapt to different situations. His ability to harass enemies from a safe distance and control the battlefield with his random...
Chester's long-range attacks and unpredictable Supers make him a versatile brawler who can adapt to different situations. His ability to harass enemies from a safe distance and control the battlefield with his random Supers makes him a formidable force on the battlefield. Whether it's bombarding choke points with his bell barrage or unleashing a surprise attack with his Bell 'O' Mania, Chester's unpredictable antics make him a true entertainer on the battlefield.
5000 - 10000
1200 - 2400
Candy Beans Chester eats a mystery flavored candy beam from his cap, gaining a random buff for 5 seconds. Charges per match:3
Spicy Dice Chester gets a new random Super that is different from his current one. Charges per match:3
Bell'O'Mania Chester's attack has an extra stage with four bells.
Sneak Peek Chester will always know what his next Super will be.
Colette in Brawl Stars is a unique Brawler known for her special attack mechanic. She excels at mid-range combat, delivering a straightforward but impactful attack. Colette's main attack is a single powerful shot that...
Colette in Brawl Stars is a unique Brawler known for her special attack mechanic. She excels at mid-range combat, delivering a straightforward but impactful attack. Colette's main attack is a single powerful shot that deals consistent damage to her target. Her strength lies in her ability to pierce through enemies, making her effective against grouped opponents. While she lacks complex attack patterns, Colette's straightforward approach and mid-range prowess make her a versatile choice in various game modes, providing players with a strategic edge in crowded battles.
5000 - 10000
1200 - 2400
Gotcha! On activation, Colette's shots heal herself for 5 seconds for 80% of the damage dealt. Charges per match:3
Na-Ah! Colette's next shot deals extra 750 damage. Charges per match:3
Mass Tax Colette's Super gives her a 20% sheild for 5 seconds. Every enemy Brawler hit by it will add 10% more protecting
Push It All enemy Brawlers hit by Colette's charge are carried to the farthest point of the attack!
Lou, the frosty Brawler in Brawl Stars, specializes in mid-range combat. Armed with a snow cone blaster, he delivers a consistent stream of frosty projectiles to opponents. While Lou's attacks may not be overwhelmingly powerful individually...
Lou, the frosty Brawler in Brawl Stars, specializes in mid-range combat. Armed with a snow cone blaster, he delivers a consistent stream of frosty projectiles to opponents. While Lou's attacks may not be overwhelmingly powerful individually, they create a chilling effect over time, slowing down enemies and disrupting their movements. His Super ability unleashes a wide-area snowstorm, further controlling the battlefield and providing crowd control. Lou's strength lies in his ability to apply persistent pressure, making him a valuable asset in both offense and defense.
5000 - 10000
1200 - 2400
Cryo Syrup Instantly adds 50% freeze meter to opponents inside Lou's Super. Charges per match:3
Ice Block Lou sheilds himself with ice, becoming invulnerble for 1.0 seconds. Charges per match:3
Hypothermia Opponents lose up to 50% of their damage based on how frozen they are from Lou's attacks.
Supercool Opponents standing on Lou's Super area get frozen 33% faster.
Ruffs, the tactical support Brawler in Brawl Stars, operates from long range. Armed with a precision blaster, he delivers accurate shots to control the battlefield. Ruffs excels in providing strategic support, with his Super ability deploying...
Ruffs, the tactical support Brawler in Brawl Stars, operates from long range. Armed with a precision blaster, he delivers accurate shots to control the battlefield. Ruffs excels in providing strategic support, with his Super ability deploying a supply drop that boosts the damage of nearby allies. While his individual attacks may not be overpowering, Ruffs' strength lies in his ability to enhance the overall effectiveness of the team. His utility makes him a valuable asset in coordinated team play, turning the tide of battles with well-timed support.
5000 - 10000
1200 - 2400
Air Support Ruffs calls a barrage around the nearest opponents, dealing 560 damage with each hit. Charges per match:3
Take Over Ruffs throws down 3 sandbags as a cover. Each one has 35% of Ruffs' max health. Charges per match:3
Field Promotion Friendly Brawlers have their maximum helth increased by 30 every second that they are in range of this ability while it's active.
Air Superiority Supply Drop now includes a bomb that adds 120% more damage to the drop and also allows it to destroy walls.
Belle, a sharpshooter in Brawl Stars, dominates from long range with her precision shots. Armed with a powerful sniper rifle, she delivers impactful single shots, making her a threat from a distance. Belle's attacks focus on dealing...
Belle, a sharpshooter in Brawl Stars, dominates from long range with her precision shots. Armed with a powerful sniper rifle, she delivers impactful single shots, making her a threat from a distance. Belle's attacks focus on dealing substantial damage with each precise hit, and her Super ability allows her to mark enemies, increasing the damage they take. While not suited for close-quarters combat, Belle excels in controlling the battlefield, picking off foes with calculated accuracy, and providing strategic advantages to her team.
5000 - 10000
1200 - 2400
Reverse Polarity Belle's next Electro-Bolt bounces from walls. Chargest per match: 3
Nest Egg Belle places a trap on the ground that will explode when triggered by an opponent. The trap deals 3112 damage, and slows down anyone within its blast radius for 3 seconds. Charges per match: 3
Positive Feedback Belle gains a 20% sheild whenever her Electro-Bolts hit a target.
Grounded Getting marked by Belle's Super prevents opponents from reloading their attack for 5 seconds.
Ash's close-range dominance and persistent damage capabilities make him a valuable asset in game modes like Knockout and Hot Zone. His ability to overwhelm enemies with his garbage projectiles and transform into a raging...
Ash's close-range dominance and persistent damage capabilities make him a valuable asset in game modes like Knockout and Hot Zone. His ability to overwhelm enemies with his garbage projectiles and transform into a raging beast makes him a formidable force on the battlefield. Whether it's clearing out groups of enemies with his relentless attacks or rushing into battle with his Rage Unleashed, Ash's trashy temper proves to be a powerful asset on any team.
5000 - 10000
1200 - 2400
Rotten Banana Ash loses 25% health and instantly gains 40% rage. Charges per match: 3
Chill Pill Though furious, Ash has to collect himself. A full Rage meter will recover 1560 health when this gadget is popped - less Rage, less recovery. Charges per match: 3
First Bash When hitting an oppponent with his attack charges full, Ash gets even more angry. His Rage goes up by 200%.
Mad As Heck Ash progressively gains up to 40% faster reload speed, equal to how enraged he's become.
Lola's long-range attacks and ego-boosting abilities make her a valuable asset in game modes like Gem Grab and Bounty. Her ability to harass enemies from a safe distance and control the battlefield with her reflections makes...
Lola's long-range attacks and ego-boosting abilities make her a valuable asset in game modes like Gem Grab and Bounty. Her ability to harass enemies from a safe distance and control the battlefield with her reflections makes her a formidable force on the battlefield. Whether it's bombarding choke points with her sparkling jewels or protecting herself with her egotistical shield, Lola's diva attitude proves to be a powerful asset on any team.
5000 - 10000
1200 - 2400
Stunt Double Lola and her Ego switch locations. She recovers 760 health. Charges per match: 3
Freeze Frame Lola's Ego stops moving to strike a pose! Gaining a 50% sheild for 4 seconds. Charges per match: 3
Improvise When down to her last round, Lola deals an extra 30% damage.
Sealed With A Kiss Projectiles from Lola's Ego will heal allies that are caught in tis path by 104 health.
Eve's long-range attacks and supportive capabilities make her a valuable asset in game modes like Gem Grab and Hot Zone. Her ability to harass enemies from a safe distance and protect her allies with her healing shield makes...
Eve's long-range attacks and supportive capabilities make her a valuable asset in game modes like Gem Grab and Hot Zone. Her ability to harass enemies from a safe distance and protect her allies with her healing shield makes her a formidable force on the battlefield. Whether it's bombarding choke points with her egg-launching attacks or providing cover for her teammates with her Mother's Hug, Eve's nurturing instincts prove to be a powerful asset on any team.
5000 - 10000
1200 - 2400
Motherly Love Hatchlings spawned from an active big egg will now heal allies over time insted of dealing damage. Charges per match: 3
Gotta Go! Eve jumps away and leaves behind a hatchling. Charges per match: 3
Happy Surprise Every 5 seconds, the next largest egg hitting an enemy of her Egg Shooter will spawn a hatchling.
Unnatural Order Reverses the order of the eggs shot by her Egg Shooter.
Janet's long-range attacks and versatile mobility make her a valuable asset in game modes like Gem Grab and Bounty. Her ability to harass enemies from a safe distance and control the battlefield with her shockwaves and...
Janet's long-range attacks and versatile mobility make her a valuable asset in game modes like Gem Grab and Bounty. Her ability to harass enemies from a safe distance and control the battlefield with her shockwaves and bombs makes her a formidable force on the battlefield. Whether it's bombarding choke points with her aerial attacks or chasing down weakened foes with her jetpack-powered mobility, Janet's stunt showmanship proves to be a powerful asset on any team.
5000 - 10000
1200 - 2400
Drop The Bass Janet deployes a sparker that deals 94 damage per second to all enemies in the area until it gets destroyed. Charges per match: 3
Backstage Pass Janet's next High Note pushes her back, even over walls. The more focused her attack is, the further she'll be pushed back. Charges per match: 3
Vocal Warn Up Janet's attack focuses 30% faster.
Stage View While in the air with ger jetpack, Janet reveals a large area of bushes around herself.
Otis' long-range attacks and silencing abilities make him a valuable asset in game modes like Gem Grab and Heist. His ability to harass enemies from a safe distance and disrupt their strategies can lead to significant strategic...
Otis' long-range attacks and silencing abilities make him a valuable asset in game modes like Gem Grab and Heist. His ability to harass enemies from a safe distance and disrupt their strategies can lead to significant strategic advantages. Whether it's suppressing enemy Supers with his Silent Seabed or bombarding them with his inky projectiles, Otis' mastery of accounting ink proves to be a formidable force on the battlefield.
5000 - 10000
1200 - 2400
Dormant Star The next starfish will stay on the ground if an enemy is not hit, laying dormant until an enemy gets close. Charges per match: 3
Phat Splatter Otis' next attack shoots a giant ink ball that leaves a puddle, dealing 550 damage over time for 3.8 seconds. Charges per match: 3
Stencil Glue Cil mightily squeezes the enemy with all his might. Preventing them from attacking for 33% longer.
Ink Refills Otis now shoots 33% more ink drops.
Sam's close-range dominance and variable damage capabilities make him a valuable asset in game modes like Showdown and Brawl Ball. His ability to overwhelm enemies with his powerful punches and adapt his attacks to...
Sam's close-range dominance and variable damage capabilities make him a valuable asset in game modes like Showdown and Brawl Ball. His ability to overwhelm enemies with his powerful punches and adapt his attacks to the situation makes him a formidable force on the battlefield. Whether it's dealing heavy damage with his thrown Knuckle Busters or quickly recovering them to maintain a relentless assault, Sam's brawling skills make him a force to be reckoned with.
5000 - 10000
1200 - 2400
Pulse Repellent Upon landing on the ground, Sam's next deployed Knuckle Busters releases an electric pulse that knocks back enemies. Charges per match: 3
Magnetic Field While the Knuckle Busters are on the ground, Sam can activate them to pull in nearby enemies. Charges per match: 3
Remote Recharge While the Knuckle Busters are on the ground and near enemies, they will charge up Sam's Super
Hearty Recover Upon recalling his Knuckle Busters, Sam instantly recovers 20% of his missing health.
Buster's close-range dominance and area control capabilities make him a valuable asset in game modes like Knockout and Hot Zone. His ability to overwhelm enemies with his powerful hammer swings and protect his allies with...
Buster's close-range dominance and area control capabilities make him a valuable asset in game modes like Knockout and Hot Zone. His ability to overwhelm enemies with his powerful hammer swings and protect his allies with his reflective shield makes him a formidable force on the battlefield. Whether it's clearing out groups of enemies with his relentless attacks or safeguarding his teammates from incoming fire, Buster's construction skills prove to be a powerful asset on any team.
5000 - 10000
1200 - 2400
Slo-Mo Replay Buster's next Lens Flare pulls enemies towards him and slows them down for 2 seconds. Charges per match: 3
Utility Belt Buster heals himself and all nearby allies for 468 health for each ally in his Super's charge area. Charges per match: 3
Blockbuster Buster's Lens Flare deals 15% more damage for each ally in his Super's charge area.
Kevlar Vest While Montage is active Buster takes 10% less damage and is immune to knockbacks, slows and stuns.
Mandy's long-range attacks and sustained damage capabilities make her a valuable asset in game modes like Gem Grab and Bounty. Her ability to harass enemies from a safe distance and wear down their health can lead to...
Mandy's long-range attacks and sustained damage capabilities make her a valuable asset in game modes like Gem Grab and Bounty. Her ability to harass enemies from a safe distance and wear down their health can lead to significant strategic advantages. Whether it's bombarding choke points with her persistent candy stream or chasing down weakened foes with her Sugar Rush-enhanced attacks, Mandy's mastery of sugary projectiles proves to be a formidable force on the battlefield.
5000 - 10000
1200 - 2400
Cockie Crumbs Mandy's next candy from her Candy Dispenser pierces enemies and environment. Charges per match: 3
Caramelize Mandy's next candy from her Candy Dispenser slows down enemies on hit for 2.5 seconds. Charges per match: 3
In My Sight Mandy shoots her candies with 20% more speed while Focused.
Hard Candy Mandy receives 30% sheild while Focused.
Maisie is a long-range brawler who controls the battlefield with pressurized water attacks. Her slow-moving pressurized water rockets create lingering pressure clouds upon impact, disrupting enemy movement and...
Maisie is a long-range brawler who controls the battlefield with pressurized water attacks. Her slow-moving pressurized water rockets create lingering pressure clouds upon impact, disrupting enemy movement and dealing persistent damage. Her Super, Finish Them, allows her to instantly reload and boost the damage of her next rocket, making her a formidable finisher.
5000 - 10000
1200 - 2400
Disengage! Maisie blasts the ground, stunning enemies for 0.5 seconds while dashing forward. Charges per match: 3
Finish Them! Maisie instantly reloads 1 ammo and increases the next Pressure Rocket damage by 30% of the target's missing HP. Charges per match: 3
Pinpoint Precision Pressure rocket deals 20% more damage at max distance.
Tremors Enemies hit by Shockwave are also slowed down for 2 seconds.
Cordelius is a master of shadow illusions, wielding his shadow mushrooms to control and manipulate the battlefield from a distance. His primary attack, Shadow Snipe, lobs a shadow mushroom that pierces walls and damages...
Cordelius is a master of shadow illusions, wielding his shadow mushrooms to control and manipulate the battlefield from a distance. His primary attack, Shadow Snipe, lobs a shadow mushroom that pierces walls and damages enemies, leaving a lingering area of effect. His Super, Shadow Realm, transports himself and an enemy to a separate dimension, giving him a tactical advantage. A versatile and formidable manipulator of the shadows, Cordelius excels in game modes like Gem Grab and Bounty.
5000 - 10000
1200 - 2400
Poison Mushroom Cordelius' next main attack shoots a poison mushroom that prevents the enemy from attacking for 1.0 seconds. Charges per match: 3
Replanting Cordelius jumps over a piece of terrain quickly. Charges per match: 3
Comboshrooms Hitting the second mushroom to the same target as the first, deals 30% extra damage.
Mushroom Kingdom Cordelius spawns 3 mushrooms to the Shadow Realm after using his Super, healing allies and damaging enemies for 730 health on pickup.
Pearl is a versatile and adaptable brawler who excels at long-range combat and strategic healing. Armed with her signature cookie launcher, she unleashes a barrage of sugary treats that both damage and heal her allies...
Pearl is a versatile and adaptable brawler who excels at long-range combat and strategic healing. Armed with her signature cookie launcher, she unleashes a barrage of sugary treats that both damage and heal her allies. Pearl's primary attack, Sweet Surprise, fires a spread of cookies in a sweeping pattern. The more her Heat bar fills, the more damage her attacks deal. Pearl's Super, Sweet Symphony, creates a lingering area of effect that damages enemies and heals allies over time.
5000 - 10000
1200 - 2400
Made With Love Next basic attack shoots perfectly baked cookies healing allies for 25% of the damage overtime insted. Charges per match: 3
Overcooked Next basic attack shoots burning cookies, dealing 33% extra damage over 3 seconds. Charges per match: 3
Heat Sheild While the Heat is over 80%, reduce damage taken by 20%.
Heat Retantion Super will consume 50% less Heat when used.
Charlie, the whimsical performer of Brawl Stars, transforms into an unstoppable force in close-quarters combat. Wielding a trusty yo-yo, she unleashes a relentless barrage of strikes, disrupting and damaging enemies with her...
Charlie, the whimsical performer of Brawl Stars, transforms into an unstoppable force in close-quarters combat. Wielding a trusty yo-yo, she unleashes a relentless barrage of strikes, disrupting and damaging enemies with her acrobatic prowess. Charlie's primary attack, Yo-yo Swing, involves a wide arcing swing, delivering rapid and relentless blows. This ability allows Charlie to overwhelm opponents and seize control of the battlefield in close-quarters encounters.
5000 - 10000
1200 - 2400
Spiders Charlie releases 3 spiders that seek and attack the nearest enemies. Charges per match: 3
Personal Space Charlie cocoons herself, healing 50% of her total health. Charges per match: 3
Slimy Cocoon leaves a slimy trail behind it for 5 seconds that slows down enemies walking over it.
Digestive Cocooned enemies lose 25% of their health while cocooned.
Willow, the spectral sorceress, reigns supreme in long-range combat, utilizing lingering spectral energy puddles to harass and damage enemies. Her primary attack, Lantern's Curse, creates an area of effect that inflicts both initial...
Willow, the spectral sorceress, reigns supreme in long-range combat, utilizing lingering spectral energy puddles to harass and damage enemies. Her primary attack, Lantern's Curse, creates an area of effect that inflicts both initial and sustained damage, allowing her to whittle down opponents from a safe distance. Willow's Super, Lantern's Lure, further strengthens her long-range dominance. This mesmerizing ability pulls an unsuspecting enemy towards her, disrupting their formation and creating advantageous scenarios for her team.
5000 - 10000
1200 - 2400
Dive Willow dives for 2 seconds, becoming untargetable but unable to take any action for the duration. Charges per match: 3
Spellbound Willow's next Lantern's Curse deals 480 damage and applies the entire damage instantly rather than over time. Charges per match: 3
Obsession Hexed enemies gain 25% movement speed while mind controlled.
Love is Blind Lantern's Curse also reduced reload speed of affected brawlers by 25%
Buzz is a Brawl Stars character known for his mid-range combat abilities. Armed with a drill lance, he excels at controlling the battlefield with moderate-range attacks. While Buzz's strikes are swift, they consist of multiple...
Buzz is a Brawl Stars character known for his mid-range combat abilities. Armed with a drill lance, he excels at controlling the battlefield with moderate-range attacks. While Buzz's strikes are swift, they consist of multiple smaller attacks, making him adept at dealing sustained damage rather than delivering one massive blow. His unique attack style and medium-range prowess position him as a strategic choice for players who enjoy a balanced approach to engagements.
5000 - 10000
1200 - 2400
X-Ray-Shades Buzz can see into all bushes in his Super charging area for 12 seconds. Charges per match: 3
Reserve Buoy Instantly fills the Super meter, but next Torpedo Throw doesen't stun opponents. Charges per match: 3
Tougher Torpedo The minimum duration of Buzz's Super stun is increased by 0.5 seconds.
Eyes Sharp Buzz's Super charging area is increased by 33%.