Phone: 073-041 35 76
This is A multiplayer Online PvP game I made using the Phaser V3 library. It works by sending all the needed information over a node server that then uses the information to regularly update the enemies actions, as animation, striking and location. To run the code you'll have to first run the server-side.js inside a terminal ("Node server-side.js") and then launch the Clients code (open the game). If you want to play online you need to open IS on port 3000. This project was heavily focused on the back-end of the game, rather than the looks.Click To Download Js-file
This project I leaned more into javascript. I made a battleship game with a computer api. The first guesses are random until the computer gets a hit. When it dose the computer pickes a random digit in the list [1, -1, 10, -10] and adds the picked number onto the latest guess. +-10 is one step in the y-axis and +- 1 is one step on the x-axis. It repeats this process until the entire ship is found. also the ships never spawnes next to each other.