Battlefield: Play4Free
Metascore: 68
Company: Easy Studios
Release Date: Mar 10 2011
Genre: First-person shooter
Battlefield Play4Free is a defunct first-person shooter video game developed by Easy Studios and published by Electronic Arts. Based on the Battlefield series the game featured a modern warfare battlefield setting. Play4Free is built on a modified version of Battlefield 2's game engine with improvements such as high resolution artwork and post-processing effects. The game was also less demanding on computer specifications similar to Battlefield Heroes. The game was available to players for free online under Electronic Arts' free-to-play model called Play4Free. Play4Free uses a similar micropayment store system similar to that in Battlefield Heroes. Battlefield Play4Free was announced on 5 November 2010. The game's open beta testing phase began on 4 April. Closed beta codes originally started being distributed via email on 30 November 2010. The game was released as an open beta on 4 April 2011. Battlefield Play4Free along with other EA free-to-play titles Battlefield Heroes Need for Speed: World and FIFA World went offline on 14 July 2015.