There is no game : Wrong dimension
Metascore: 87
Company: Draw Me A Pixel
Release Date: Apr 14 2021
Genre: Interactive story
There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension is a 2020 puzzle adventure video game developed by the French company Draw Me A Pixel and released for Windows and macOS on August 6 2020 on Android and iOS on December 17 2020 and on Nintendo Switch on April 14 2021. It was inspired by creator Pascal Cammisotto's previous 2015 game jam-winning entry There Is No Game which he developed under the alias KaMiZoTo. It has been considered a sequel or expansion to its predecessor. The title is primarily a point-and-click puzzle game such as Maniac Mansion or the Monkey Island series. It features a hint system and verbal and non-verbal clues to solve puzzles. It contains English voice acting and subtitle options in various languages including Cammisotto's native French.