Soul Edge
Metascore: 89
Company: Project Soul
Release Date: Jan 31 1997
Genre: Fighting game
Soul Edge is a fighting game developed by the Namco team Project Soul and published by Namco as the first installment in the Soulcalibur series of 3D fighting games. Introduced at the JAMMA trade show in November 1995 the full arcade game was released in early 1996 while later in December an upgraded and expanded version of the game was ported to the PlayStation. The PlayStation version was renamed Soul Blade in North America Europe and Australia. The plot centers upon the eponymous sword shrouded in mystery and rumored to offer unlimited power to anyone who can find and wield it; nine warriors embark on a journey to pursue a tenth who is rumored to have the sword some to claim it and others to destroy it. The game was a commercial and critical success and was followed up with Soulcalibur in July 1998.