Metascore: 90
Company: Kinmoku
Release Date: Aug 7 2023
Genre: Adventure
Videoverse is a 2023 narrative adventure game developed and published by Kinmoku. Players control a teenage gamer in 2003 and help him navigate relationships on a fictional social network dedicated to his favorite video game. Players control a teenager named Emmett in 2003 as he plays his favorite video game Feudal Fantasy and interacts with other fans on Videoverse a fictional social network tied to his game console the Kinmoku Shark. Players can like posts post fan art and communicate with friends in a retro style user interface. These actions affect the story and provide Emmett with more options during dialogue. Eventually Emmett grows closer to another teenager on Videoverse. When Kinmoku announces that they will be retiring the Videoverse in favor of a new service players must help Emmett deal with this decision's fallout on the community and his relationships.